Javier Dávila
- Sep 9, 2021
- 1 min
New software job positions are available
We have the following new job positions in Sweden: 1.- Frontend Software Developer 2.- Backend Software Developer 3.- Fullstack Software...
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Mónica Gutiérrez
- Mar 16, 2021
- 3 min
Talar du svenska?
El idioma sueco; es un idioma que te abre las puertas a otros idiomas, por lo que, si aprendes sueco, estarás más cerca de ser un...
71 views1 comment
Mónica Gutiérrez
- Mar 10, 2021
- 4 min
Vivimos sólo en un mundo, pero las desigualdades entre hombres y mujeres en el ámbito laboral, económico y social se achican o se...
152 views0 comments
Javier Dávila
- Feb 9, 2021
- 1 min
Our new video is online!
We have done this promotional video to find our new talent. With this video, we want to make Mexican Software Developers know that they...
44 views0 comments
Javier Dávila
- Feb 9, 2021
- 2 min
Mexicans, hard working people
There were many things that I was surprised about when I came to Sweden. But one evident was the number of hours that Swedish people work...
149 views6 comments
Javier Dávila
- Feb 9, 2021
- 3 min
Moving to Sweden
I used to live in León, Guanajuato, Mexico. My previous startup was Gaszen, a gas management platform consisting of a gas sensor, a...
169 views2 comments