Have a family or thinking of starting one? Parents have certain concerns for children; such as: at birth, they want to be present in life and education of their children, spend quality time with them, be able to have leisure time such as going on vacation trips, and give them a high-level education, not leave them unprotected if they lose their employment, among others.
"Sweden is the best in the world when it comes to benefits for having and raising kids. Kids come first." (Yaw G., Ghana).

The companies in Sweden offer different benefits to their employments to own a balance between work and family life.
Working hours are 40 hours per week and a maximum of 48 hours, with a schedule of 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday, with a lunch hour that may be between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. At the end of the workday, employees head home to take care of their families.
Within working hours there are Fika breaks to drink coffee, eat a delicious kanelbullar (cinnamon bun) and talk with co-workers. Working overtime is not valued and is seen as unnecessary; It is considered a lack of planning and time management.
With the development of technology, now more people work from home, avoiding moving and being able to be in the same environment as the family.
Working in Sweden, from the first day, states that employees are covered by the Swedish social insurance, and are entitled to Swedish parental leave (föräldraledighet): after a child's birth or adoption, a couple receives 480 days of parental leave; both parents have the right to take 240 days each to care for the child; the minimum number of days is 90 for each parent and the other 150 days left can be transferred to one of the two parents upon consent. If the custody is of a single person, this person has the right to take 480 days for the care of the minor.

Parental benefit (föräldrapenning) is money people can get to be able to be at home with their child instead of working, looking for work or studying. The benefits described are:
parental benefit (föräldrapenning)
temporary parental benefit (tillfällig föräldrapenning)
pregnancy cash benefit (graviditetspenning)
temporary leave in connection with a child’s birth or adoption (tillfällig föräldrapenning i samband med barns födelse eller adoption)
Parental benefit is paid out for 480 days for one child. For 390 days, the compensation is 80 percent of the salary. For the remaining 90 days, the compensation is set at SEK 180 per day.
When the child is sick and cannot go to school, the employee is paid 80% of the salary per day that child stays at home.
Most of the time, both parents return to work after a paternal leave used for the babies' care and is very important to have high-quality, affordable childcare for their children. Free public childcare is available to all children ages 1-12. This includes both daycares for preschool-age children and after-school care for school-age children. Most childcare is run by the municipality, but there are also private nurseries and parent co-operatives that also receive government subsidies.
Holidays are sacred, you won't find employees checking their work emails or taking work calls. Swedish holiday legislation gives the right to 25 days of holiday and 4 consecutive weeks of holiday during June, July, and August. Also, employees have the right to save a number of their holiday days each year for a maximum of 5 years and thus, if it is possible at their workplace, they can have more holidays one year than another.
Holiday days (semesterledighet): employees get 25 paid days of holiday per year.
Holiday pay (semesterlön): This is the pay the employee receives during their holiday. Holiday pay consists of current salary, any supplementary salary, and a holiday bonus.
Holiday remuneration (semesterersättning): these are paid when the employee ends his employment contract and has not used his holiday days.
Unemployment benefit funds (a-Kassa) were funded by the state with money collected from fund memberships and payroll taxes and works to meet the basic needs of an individual or family while they find a new job.
To benefit from unemployment insurance, it is necessary to be unemployed and registered at Arbetsförmedlingento, have a bachelor's degree (150 university credits), have worked a minimum of 60 hours per month for 6 months and actively search for work. To become a member of a fund the unemployed has to be a university graduate and pay a monthly fee.
If the unemployed are a member of a fund, can receive the benefit rates based on previous income at a maximum of SEK 1,200 per day before taxes (SEK 26,400 a month).
If the unemployed are not a member of a fund, can access the basic benefits and the maximum amount that can receive per day is SEK 510 as is not based on the salary, but the working hours per week.
It is a mixture of all these benefits that balance time for work and family life, which benefits people. Don't think about it anymore and start your process to work and live in Sweden accompanied by your family. We are more than happy to hear from you!