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Course 0: The migration process as an engineer

  • 38 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Welcome to the first course of Iknal Semikan's Migration program. This course aims to give you enough information, so you understand the whole process, from your application to finally settling down in one of the best countries to live in, Sweden. You will learn about fascinating topics that will make you understand why is Sweden such an excellent place to live and work. You will learn about what kinds of jobs are available to engineers. Also about work and social benefits. You will know what to expect from your working environment or from the people that you will meet. We understand you might not be coming by yourself, and your partner and children might be following you, and therefore we explain other benefits that you and your family will obtain. We kindly ask you to finish this course to understand everything related to this process, because this is the start of your new life here in Sweden. Varmt Välkommen!

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3 Plans Available, Prices vary


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